Seamless Strategy has performed thousands of assessments on individual performers, as well as high-performing teams.
We perform:
Executive test batteries
360 assessments
Extensive assessment of cognitive skills, such as learning disabilities, learning styles, and thinking styles
Functional assessment of key behavior patterns
Personality assessment
We also help to leverage strengths and maximize potential through individual development plans, career paths, and succession planning.
Most important, our consultants make assessments come alive! Our approach allows both the person assessed, and the company, to take maximum advantage of the information gained from the assessment.
For those clients seeking a turn-key assessment system, Seamless Strategy proudly offers the products of Profiles International. The Profiles system allows your company to perform a variety of assessment procedures to be used for selection and development without having to consult with a darned psychologist every time you do it. And of course, Seamless Strategy can provide additional support for your assessment efforts – including some darned psychologists – as you need them.